Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

01Why BSK City?

BSK City is considered the most reputable city along the Volta Lake and first of its kind outside Accra, which offers luxurious homes, varied resources with quality security. These properties certainly represent a solid investment for the potential buyer.

02Why BSK City in Ghana?

BSK City chose Ghana because of its long-standing democracy and stable economy, to support the government’s diaspora homecoming, heritage tourism so as to help the development and investment goals of the sub-region.

03How do I acquire a property at BSK City?

Acquiring a property in BSK City is very simple. Call any of the numbers on the website to book an appointment. Our professional and experienced team is available 24 hours to attend to you.

04As a foreigner, how do I acquire a property in BSK City?

With the level of technology worldwide, acquiring a property with us is very easy, just contact us through the numbers on our website.

05How do I secure my property after acquiring it?

After acquisition, the transfer is made into your name exactly 6 months after full payment.

06Are BSK City lands registered?


07Can I bring my own drawings to build at BSK City?


08Can I invest (buy and sell) with BSK City?


09Can I buy a land now and build later in BSK City?


10Can I buy any property and pay in instalments?


11Are basic utilities (water, electricity, telecommunication network) accessible in BSK City?

Yes. Electricity and water supply is largely kept up with city’s population growth. Medical health care is generally of high standard with several private hospitals.

12How much is per square meter of land in BSK City?

Location is the deciding factor in the price of our plots. We have the river side and Riverbank areas, mountain river view plots and the flat land. Speak to us today for more details.

13Do you design and build?

Yes. We have a formidable team trained specifically for that.

14Is BSK City affiliated to the government?

No, BSK City is non-governmental affiliated and is managed by Stallion BSK Group.

15Why should I buy an expensive house from BSK City more than the price in the capital city?

Houses for sale in BSK City possess a signature style, expertly designed, well built with a unique modern finishing to ensure the comfort of residents.

If you’re thinking of buying a house in this area, BSK City is the best choice because with us, you’re assured of a serene environment, a magnificent natural view, a holiday home and a flexible payment plan.

16Do you have a facility where I can apply for a loan to buy a property in BSK City?

Yes, we can assist you to apply from our Banking partners.

YEAR 2020

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YEAR 2021

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YEAR 2022

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Quickly aggregate B2B users and worldwide potentialities. Progressively plagiarize resource-leveling e-commerce through resource-leveling core competencies.
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